Project Summary

Ashland Avenue from Ridge to School will be undergoing a major arterial resurfacing and pedestrian safety improvement project, beginning in Spring 2025.
Project Overview
- Neighborhood: Andersonville
- Zip Code: 60640
- Scope and boundaries: Ashland Avenue from Foster to Ridge
- Timeline: Spring 2025-Fall 2025
Status: Upcoming
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Scope & Design
Ashland Avenue
The Ashland Avenue resurfacing project includes a full street resurfacing from Ridge to School, as well as major pedestrian safety improvements. As part of Chicago’s Complete Streets Ordinance, any arterial resurfacing project must also include pedestrian and bike safety infrastructure; Ashland Avenue in particular underwent a major traffic study from Winnemac to Bryn Mawr, and will be receiving major pedestrian safety upgrades as part of this project, including new pedestrian islands, bumpouts, in-lane bus boarding, and more.
The resurfacing projects will include both concrete work as part of the pedestrian infrastructure improvements, and asphalt resurfacing.
Asphalt resurfacing is usually done in several blocks at a time. The existing asphalt is first milled; 2-3 weeks later, the 1st layer of asphalt is laid, and 2-3 weeks after that, the 2nd and final layer of asphalt is laid. Arterial resurfacing projects do not generally require full road closures, but instead lane closures as needed.

Design Exhibits
Project Features
- Pedestrian islands at key intersections
- Curb extensions/bumpouts at major intersections
- In-lane bus stops and bus pads
- New traffic signal at Ashland and Berwyn
- Pavement resurfacing
- Sidewalk, curb and gutter, and ADA ramp improvements
Timeline & Construction Updates
Project Timeline
- Bidding: Fall 2024
- Construction: Spring 2025
- Estimated Completion: Fall 2025
Construction Updates
Latest Update as of 11/25/24: As of this week, the stretch of Ashland Avenue from Foster to Ridge is pending final approval, with a target start date of spring 2025.
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Archived Meetings
- The Ashland Avenue resurfacing project was announced at the 40th Ward Infrastructure Town Hall on June 5th. Watch the video presentation (Ashland Avenue section begins at 19:53).
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