Our Community

We are a Community of Neighbors

Located on Chicago’s north side, the 40th Ward includes several diverse neighborhoods including Andersonville, Lincoln Square, Edgewater, Arcadia Terrace, and Bowmanville. Home to folks of every culture, identity, income, and residency status, the 40th Ward is a community of neighbors. We are glad you are here!

Districting map showing City of Chicago Wards
Interactive districting map shows new ward boundaries as of May 2022

Neighborhood Network Slack Channel

We encourage you to join the 40th Ward Neighbor Network Slack group. The 40th Ward office uses slack to post messages about ward happenings and volunteer opportunities. This channel is also a great way to stay in touch and communicate with your neighbors and community. New to Slack? Learn how to use the platform.

Join us for Ward Night!

Speak to Ald. Vasquez in person!

Ald. Vasquez is available for 15 minute in-person appointments on a first-come, first served basis every week.

Ward Night is usually held every Monday night at our office (5620 N Western Ave) from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. We may sometimes have to cancel due to holidays or other scheduling conflicts, so please check our the Ward Night schedule below for the latest updates.

Here is the schedule for upcoming Ward nights:

  • Monday, March 10th, 5:00-6:30pm: In-person
  • Monday, March 17th, 5:30-6:30pm: In-person
  • Monday, March 24th: 5:30-6:30pm: In-person
  • Monday, March 31st, 5:00-6:30pm: In-person
A google map blocks out 40th Ward Neighborhood Groups

Neighborhood Associations and Groups

Meet your neighbors and get involved in your community!

Parks, Playlots and Green Spaces

From rich pond life teeming with frogs, herons, and dragonflies, to shrubby areas where migratory birds stop to rest, to lush prairies filled with native grasses and wildflowers. Our parks are some of the best in the city.

a calm river surrounded by trees, grass and yellow flowers
Children cooperate at Passages Elementary


Browse elementary and high schools located in the 40th Ward. In addition to Chicago Public Schools, we also host several charter and private education options.

Block Parties and Permits

Planning a block party? Everything you need to know to request a permit for your event.

Block party group photo, many people gathered together smiling

Apartment, Yard and Garage Sale and Permits

A permit is required for all garage, yard and apartment sales conducted on residential property within the City of Chicago. Make sure you are in compliance with guidelines. Our office can assist you with permitting needs.

Volunteer Opportunities

A range of volunteer opportunities are available depending on your time and interests. We’d love to have you!

Alderperson Andre Vasquez and volunteer team at the 40th Ward Office.