Dear Neighbors,
Our Ward office has received a proposal to repurpose the unused building at 1616 W Glenlake as a low-impact medical facility with onsite parking. This would be a by-right use, and does not require a zoning change; however, as part of the redesign, the site owners have proposed changing traffic flow from one-way to two-way on Glenlake from Clark to the first alley west of Clark, which would require legislative action.
The Dept. of Transportation has already been provided with a detailed traffic study, and we do not anticipate any objections or difficulties from an engineering standpoint. As part of our commitment to transparency and open government, we have requested a public meeting to be held with the property owner and traffic engineer.
Please feel free to view the provided diagrams and provide feedback to the Ward office! If you are not able to attend the public meeting, comments can be submitted to info@40thward.org
The public meeting will be held at the Ward office on Mon. 11/4/19, 6:00pm.