In addition to our recent partnership with Prism Health to bring a new vaccine site to our area, I have been working to coordinate a large 40th Ward vaccination event. This Thursday, March 25, we will be vaccinating over 1500 people at the River Park fieldhouse with the Pfizer vaccine, thanks to our partners, Jewel-Osco, Swedish Hospital, and the Chicago Park District.
If you are in the Phase 1a (health care personnel and residents of long-term care facilities), Phase 1b, or in the Phase 1b+ category (see below) and have not yet received the vaccine, you are welcome to make an appointment via the eventbrite link (below) This event is open to 40th Ward residents and teachers who work in our ward; if there are still open spots on Wednesday morning, non-40th Ward residents may register as well. Registrants must also be available to attend the second shot event on April15 at the same location.
Sign up for an appointment here
Registrants will need to bring a copy of the most current version of each of the below documents to the appointment:
- Proof of address (utility bill, lease agreement, drivers license, state ID, voter registration card, Chicago Citykey)
- Picture ID (Passport, drivers license, state ID, Chicago Citykey)
- Completed Consent Form (Spanish, English). If you cannot pre-fill and bring to appointment, there will be copies for you to fill out on-site.
- Insurance information (Group name, Member name) Note: All populations in Illinois can receive the vaccine regardless of insurance coverage or immigration status, including individuals who are undocumented. Patients on Medicare B and/or 65+ only need to share the last 4 digits of their social security number.
- Make sure you wear a mask. The vaccine is given in the upper arm so wear a short sleeve shirt or something you can easily roll up once you’re ready for the shot.
Read more 3/25 Event Frequently Asked Questions herePlease read the following carefully:
Pfizer COVID Vaccine Fact Sheet
Who qualifies for Phase 1A?
healthcare personnel and long-term care facility residents
Who qualifies for Phase 1B?
Age 65 or older
Frontline essential worker.
First responders: Fire, law enforcement, 911 worker, security personnel, school officer
Education: K-12 teacher, school administrator, student support staff, student aide, day care worker and center-based child care provider, home visiting provider, early intervention therapists, Head Start/Early Head Start provider, Preschool for All provider
Food and agriculture: Processing plants, veterinary health, livestock services, animal care
Manufacturing: Industrial production of goods for distribution to retail, wholesale, or other manufactures
Corrections workers and incarcerated individuals: Correctional officer and staff, jail officer and staff, juvenile facility staff, a worker providing in-person support or services, incarcerated individuals
U.S. Postal Service worker
Public transit worker: Flight crew, bus driver, train conductor, taxi driver, para-transit driver, in-person support, ride sharing service driver
Grocery store worker: Bagger, cashier, stocker, pickup, customer service
Shelters and adult day care staff: Homeless shelter, women’s shelter, adult day/drop-in program, sheltered workshop
Who is in Phase 1 B plus? Persons who identify with the following:
Pulmonary Diseases
Heart Conditions
Chronic Kidney Disease
Solid Organ Transplant
Sickle Cell Disease
Persons with a Disability** (Not otherwise covered in previous categories.)
** Persons with a disability is defined as a “person who is, and who is expected to indefinitely continue to be, subject to any of the following five types of disabilities: physical disability, developmental disability, visual disability, hearing disability, or mental disability.” This definition is aligned with Illinois Statute: 15 ILCS 335/4a.
If you have questions about this event, please email info@40thward.org or call 773-654-1867 between 10a-5p, Monday-Friday.