The Chicago Resiliency Fund 2.0 funded by the City of Chicago’s Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) is accepting applications from domestic workers and undocumented residents. Awardees will receive a one-time $500 payment, and it is anticipated that around 7,000 domestic workers and 10,000 undocumented workers will receive an award.
To be eligible, applicants must be a domestic worker or undocumented resident, live in Chicago, be 18 or older, and have household income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level ($69,090 for a household of 3). The Chicago Resiliency Fund 2.0 is open to all eligible Chicago residents, regardless of legal immigration status. No questions will be asked regarding citizenship or immigration status in the application or verification process. COVID-19 cash assistance is not considered under public charge analysis.
Applications must be submitted online at www.chicash.org.