Via Rep. Schakowsky’s Office:
The Artistic Discovery Contest is an opportunity to recognize and encourage the artistic talent in the nation, as well as in our Congressional District (IL-09). This competition is open to all high school students that reside in our District. The winners of each District’s competition will have their artwork displayed in the U.S. Capitol for one year, and have the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to take part in a special ceremony with other winners from around the country.
For students interested in participating in the 9th Congressional District’s Competition, please submit this google form. Rules and guidelines for the 2023 competition are available here and the student release form is available here.
Below are some important dates and additional information for students who are interested in participating in this year’s competition:
- Google form submission and artwork drop off: Thursday April 13th In order to participate students will need to submit our office’s google form AND drop off the artwork to our Skokie office no later than 5 PM on Thursday, April 13th. Please carefully consult the rules and guidelines for 2023 and have all artwork framed with a hard copy of the release form taped to the back of the artwork. Please ensure that all artwork is complete (paint cannot be wet).
- Artwork on Display: April 17th-May 3rd All submitted artwork will be displayed in person at the Skokie Public Library from Monday, April 17th – Wednesday, May 3rd. Artwork will also be displayed prominently on a digital art gallery on the Congresswoman’s website.
- Artistic Discovery Reception: Wednesday, May 3rd We invite all participants and their families and friends to a reception to celebrate their artistic talent on Wednesday, May 3rd at 6pm at the Skokie Public Library.
- Winners Announced: on or before May 8th Winners will be notified shortly after the reception and no later than May 8th. In addition to the first place winner, our office will also be recognizing other categories including:
- Best Painting – including oil, acrylics, and watercolor
- Best Drawing – including pastels, colored pencil, pencil, charcoal, ink, and markers
- Best Collage – must be two dimensional
- Best Print – including lithographs, silkscreen, and block prints
- Best Mixed Media – use of more than two mediums such as pencil, ink, watercolor, etc.
- Best Computer-generated art
- Best Photography
- Best Social Justice Piece
Good luck! If you or your students have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office by phone at 773-506-7100.