Chicago’s Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights

The City of Chicago has established several standing Committees, each led by an appointed alderperson. These committees are responsible for addressing administrative and legislative activities as outlined by the Rules of Order. The Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights (CIRR) is thus authorized to consider “all matters relating to opportunities for, and the security and stability of, first-generation and second-generation immigrants and refugees living in Chicago, with a particular focus on the economic, education, and public health-related concerns of such persons.

For the 2023-2027 term, Alderperson Vasquez was appointed Chair of the Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights. Chairperson Vasquez plans to actively use this position to bring increased accessibility, transparency, and accountability to the City’s approach to immigration and related matters via holding hearings. The Committee intends to create sound legislation, and offer operational support within this realm.

You can see a list of the CIRR Committee members, which includes Vice-Chairperson Jeanette Taylor.

Our committee staff are as follows:

  • Pooja Ravindran, Chief of Staff
  • Diana Perez, Director of Community Engagement
  • Ell Snider, Director of Operations

Click on the links below to explore some of our research, documentation and other activities:

History of Immigration in Chicago

Information + Resources

New Arrivals

Committee Meetings

Policy and Advocacy