Project Summary

New protected bike lanes have been installed on Clark Street from Hollywood to Devon, which extends the existing bike lanes on Clark Street south of Hollywood. The project also features a variety of new pedestrian safety improvements to make crossing Clark Street easier, e.g. pedestrian refuge islands, as well as transit improvements like bus boarding islands and a bus-only lane.
Project Overview
- Neighborhood: Andersonville
- Zip Code: 60660
- Scope and boundaries: Clark Street from Hollywood to Devon
- Timeline: Completed in Fall 2023!
- Project Website
Status: Completed
Quick Links
Scope & Design
Clark Street Protected Bike Lanes
The protected bike lanes physically separate people biking from automobile traffic. On-street parking remained where it is needed to support local businesses, while unused parking spaces were relocated to make room for the bike lane.
The project also featured pedestrian safety and transit improvements, including new pedestrian crossings and refuge islands, side street bump-outs throughout the corridor, a bus-only lane for southbound CTA buses, and nine new bus boarding islands.
Project Goals
- Provide lower-stress bike route for cyclists
- Increase pedestrian safety
- Improve access to transit
Press & Media
- Concrete-protected lanes are coming to Clark St. from Irving to Montrose, maybe further, via StreetsBlog Chicago
- 100 Miles Of New, Upgraded Bike Lanes Are Coming In Biggest Expansion In City’s History, via Block Club Chicago
- Protected Bike Lane Coming To Clark Street In Edgewater, Alderman Says, via Block Club Chicago

Design Exhibits
- Clark Street, Hollywood to Devon (PDF, 3.7MB)
Project Features
- Concrete Curb: The existing protected bike lanes have been upgraded with concrete curb to better separate the bike lane from motor vehicles.
- Pedestrian Crossing and Refuge Islands: New pedestrian crossings and concrete refuge islands help people crossing Clark Street by improving visibility, reducing crossing times, and providing a safe space to wait for an opportunity to cross. These new crossings also improve access to local businesses and the new bus boarding islands.
- Curb extensions and bump-outs: side street bump-outs throughout the corridor calm traffic at key intersections.
- Bus Boarding Islands: New concrete bus boarding islands eliminate conflicts between people biking and buses, stop motor vehicles from parking in bus stops, and help bus operations.
- Bus Only Lane: A southbound bus only lane between Ridge and Glenlake helps improve reliability and travel times for CTA buses.
Timeline & Construction Updates
Project Timeline
- Bidding: Spring 2023
- Construction: Summer-Fall 2023
- Estimated Completion: Fall 2023
Construction Updates
This project has been completed as of the end of 2023!
Community Meetings
Archived Public Meetings
- June 18, 2022: CDOT, 40th Ward Alderman Andre Vasquez, and 48th Ward Alderman Harry Osterman presented Clark Street improvements to the community.