Tag: New Arrivals

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New Arrival Volunteering Opportunities

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Current newly arrived neighbor headcount at our 20th Police Station is 36! Our team of volunteers has worked tirelessly and your help is still needed. From financial contributions for specific needs to breakfast assistance or towel laundering-any assistance is greatly appreciated! Visit us at for more details. https://www.20thdistrictaid.com/

Estimated: 2 minute read

Help Still Needed for Newly Arrived Asylum-Seekers

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The 20th District Mutual Aid team is serving 42 migrants at the 20th district police station which includes 15 babies/toddlers + a very pregnant mama.  We can use help in these areas: Interested in joining a 20th station volunteer zoom call this week? Complete this poll so we can coordinate the day/time. We plan to provide updates, answer […]

Estimated: 1 minute read

Ald. Vasquez to Chair his first Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights meeting

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Alderperson Vasquez will host the inaugural meeting of the Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights as its Chair for the 2023 – 2027 term. He will be looking for passage of his Resolution Calling for Monthly Hearings on the City Response to the Migrant Crisis by way of having a subject matter hearing on the […]

Estimated: 1 minute read

From the Office of The Mayor: Migrant Operation Summary

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Overall numbers Demographics Gender Single Men 1201 53% Single Women 147 7% Families 911 40% Total 2259 Country of Origin Venezuela 2712 Colombia 176 Nicaragua 163 Ecuador 62 Other countries with fewer than 10 individuals: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Pakistan, Mexico, Russia, ElSalvador, Panama, Angola, “Africa”, Congo, AfghanistanNOTE – About half of arrivals who exited the […]

Estimated: 1 minute read

New Migrant Arrivals in Chicago

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As you all may know, we have been receiving migrants from Texas since the end of last year. The 40th Ward Office has continued to receiving calls from recently arrived folks who are looking for housing, financial and job-seeking support as our new neighbors. The City, State and Community Based Organizations are continuing to work […]