On Friday, September 15th, the City of Chicago officially broke ground on the Lincoln Ave Streetscape! Construction will begin on Section 1 this fall.
The Lincoln Ave Streetscape will consist of infrastructure improvements on Lincoln Avenue between Western and Catalpa, and on Catalpa between Lincoln and Western. The project is divided into two sections: Section 1 is from Catalpa to Foster including improvements on Catalpa, and Section 2 is from Foster to Western.
Section 1 Improvements
Catalpa Avenue
Improvements to Catalpa Ave will include:
- The creation of Catalpa Plaza
- Crosswalk improvements, widened parkways, curb extensions, and other pedestrian safety improvements
- Sidewalk replacement and roadway repaving
- Diagonal parking along the south side of Catalpa Ave

Lincoln Avenue
Section 1 improvements to Lincoln Ave will include:
- Protected bike lanes from Foster to Berwyn
- Parkway improvements including new widened sidewalks, new curb and gutter, and upgrades to ADA ramps and crosswalks
- Pavement resurfacing with new pavement markings
- Pedestrian safety improvements at intersections
- New pavers and trees on parkways
- New street lighting
- Drainage improvements
- New street furniture and seating areas
- Installation of community light pole identifiers and gateway identifiers

Project Updates
Want to keep up to date with Lincoln Ave Streetscape progress? Make sure to sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates as construction progresses. You can also view the Lincoln Ave Streetscape page to view weekly updates from the contractor.
In addition to the above, the contractor also hosts a weekly construction update meeting, the first section of which is open to the public. The meetings take place every Tuesday at 11:30am, and you can join via this link.