This past December, we released a notice of intent declining to support the first iteration of a proposal to change the zoning for 5400 N. Ashland. While there were many neighbors in support of the proposal, there were many more in opposition, which led us to request that the developer make several changes to the proposal.
In analyzing neighbor feedback, we found that the chief concern was the height of the building. As referenced in our previous notice of intent, we passed along this feedback to the developer and encouraged him to meet with the neighbors to get feedback, with the aim of submitting an updated proposal that would be a floor shorter, and more aesthetically in line with the neighborhood.
As part of this process, the developer consulted neighbors and organizations in the area, and ultimately came up with an updated design, which you can see below. The new proposal, a 4-floor, 15-unit building including 3 affordable units, is one we feel confident in supporting.
With that in mind, our office has decided to support the request for a zoning change from RS-3 to B2-3 at 5400 N Ashland.
We remain deeply grateful to the many neighbors who took time to share their feedback, both those in support and those who were opposed. One thing this process has made clear to us is that we need to have a more proactive conversation with neighbors, outside the context of individual zoning proposals, about the need for affordable housing in the 40th Ward, and what a sustainable strategy toward achieving that goal could look like. We hope to schedule a follow up community meeting later this year to begin that discussion, so stay tuned for that!
As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about either this proposal, or the zoning process as a whole, you are welcome to reach out to us at 40thward.org/contact.