An Implementation Update on the Western Avenue Corridor Vision
The Western Avenue Corridor Study is the outcome of an 18-month community-driven planning initiative to envision an equitable, long-term future for a five-mile section of North Western Avenue, including all of Western Avenue in the 40th Ward. The plan was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission in November 2022 and is now used as the guiding document for planning decisions along the corridor.
As part of the implementation of that plan, our office is initiating a proactive rezone of the entire stretch of Western Avenue located within the 40th Ward.
Many of the current zoning districts along this stretch of Western Avenue will be changed to zoning districts that better align with the recommendations described in the Western Avenue Corridor Study. These changes will impact the development potential of these properties by changing future allowed uses and basic development regulations (e.g. height or setbacks) to support the community’s priorities for land use and development in this area.
This zoning change is proactive, so it’s important to note that there are no proposed development projects on these properties at this time.
Curious about the Western Corridor vision and how it will be implemented? You can see more details about the visioning and community engagement process, the land use framework, the approach to zoning, and impacts to properties in the presentation below.
Community Open House
If you would like to learn more, join us for an open house on Wednesday, May 29th! Members of the community can come by anytime between 6-7pm to browse exhibits of the zoning map and ask questions. 40th Ward Staff and representatives from the Department of Planning and Development will be available to discuss the zoning updates as well as any impacts to specific properties.
- When: Wednesday, May 29th, 6-7pm
- Where: Warren Park Field House (6601 N. Western Ave)
We look forward to seeing you there!