5035 N. Lincoln: Updated Notice of Intent

Rendering of the proposed development of 5035 N. Lincoln: a five-story brick building.

In November 2023, the 40th Ward hosted a community meeting to discuss a proposed zoning change at 5035 N Lincoln Ave and ultimately approved of a proposed zoning change from B2-3 Type 1 to B2-3 (revised Type 1).

Since that meeting, the developer has discovered that a transformer will need to be installed onsite that will reduce the building’s parking spaces from 15 to 13 spaces. Additionally, the developer is seeking an exemption from the requirement to have a loading berth onsite. While the current designs do include a loading berth, the dimensions do not meet the city dimension requirements for loading berths, thus they are seeking an exemption from the requirement.

Because this project went through our community engagement process with a clear majority of neighbors in support of this project and the relatively small nature of the design updates, the 40th Ward Office has no objection to the proposed zoning change from B2-3 Type 1 to B2-3 (revised Type 1) at 5035 N Lincoln Ave. 

To see upcoming zoning meetings and participate in our community-driven process, visit our Current Zoning Requests page.