Category: Peoples Budget

Estimated: 4 minute read

Announcing the 2025 People’s Budget!

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Voting for the 2025 People’s Budget is open! Vote by December 31st, 2024. From now until the end of December, 40th Ward residents ages 14+ can vote on how we should spend one million dollars in infrastructure funds, including: To learn more about how participatory budgeting works, including details like how much repairs cost and […]

Estimated: 2 minute read

Participatory Budgeting 2023-2024 is here!

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You can always find more information on the 40th Ward’s Participatory Budgeting (PB) page on our website. How does Participatory Budgeting Work– A Reminder Idea Collection, Committee Creation Neighbors brainstorm and submit Special Project ideas they want to see in their communities and applications are accepted to join the PB Committee. Look out for 40th […]

Estimated: 4 minute read

Participatory Budgeting 2022-2023 Update

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Thank you so much to all who participated in our Participatory Budgeting (PB) process– the People’s Budget– this past year. By participating you helped decide how to spend public funds on community projects in the 40th Ward. We are pleased to share that we had close to 1,500 ballots entered for the 2022-2023 cycle!  How […]

Estimated: 1 minute read

Dog Friendly Area at Winnemac Park

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40th Ward residents recently voted to allocate $100,000 in menu money for a dog park, or dog friendly area (DFA), at Winnemac Park. On January 13, Alderman Vasquez hosted an informational meeting for those who are interested in learning about how to start a DFA and how to be involved in the community-driven process. Meeting […]

Estimated: 2 minute read

2019 Menu Program End-of-Year Summary

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Dear Neighbors, Every year, City of Chicago Wards receive approximately $1.3 million in discretionary infrastructure funding from the Dept. of Transportation, known as the “menu money” program. This year’s menu money authorizations for the 40th Ward are a combination of projects already requested by previous Ald. Patrick O’Connor and requests from the current Ward office […]

Estimated: 1 minute read

Participatory Budgeting 2020

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WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS? Every year, each ward in Chicago receives $1.3 million dollars, also known as “menu money,” for infrastructure-related improvements. Alderman Vasquez built a really big table to create space for neighbors to decide how to spend one million dollars improving the 40th Ward — whether it be fixing […]