- Director of Communications and Development
- she/her
Alison has been a 40th Ward resident since she first moved to Chicago in 2017. She started as a volunteer with the Neighbor Network during the first year of the pandemic, and is thrilled to now be working for the 40th Ward Office full time.
As Director of Communications and Development, Alison is responsible for all Ward communications, including the newsletter, social media, and website, and managing development and infrastructure projects in the Ward. Before coming to the 40th Ward, Alison spent most of her career working as a freelance writer, writing teacher—including teaching creative writing within the prison system—and arts administrator.
In her off time, Alison teaches in the afterschool program for Syrian Community Network, and is passionate about refugee rights and equity in education. She also reads more or less constantly, and particularly loves reading in Winnemac Park.
Areas of Specialization
- Communications
- Neighborhood Development
- Infrastructure Projects
- Zoning
- Participatory Budgeting