Project Summary

The Chicago Department of Transportation is conducting a $16 million streetscape improvement project along Lincoln Avenue from Western Avenue to Catalpa Avenue. Building off the 2019 Lincoln Square Master Plan, the project aims to increase safety, improve walkability, support economic development, enhance public spaces, including the Ainslie Arts Plaza, and the creation of an Arts District.
Project Overview
- Neighborhood: Lincoln Square, Budlong Woods
- Zip Code: 60625
- Scope and boundaries: Lincoln Ave from Western Ave to Catalpa Ave
- Timeline: Fall 2023-Spring 2025
- Project Website
Status: In progress
Quick Links
Scope & Design
Lincoln Ave Streetscape
The Lincoln Avenue Streetscape consists of infrastructure improvements on Lincoln Avenue between Western and Catalpa, and on Catalpa Ave between Lincoln and Western.
Project Goals
- Increase safety
- Improve walkability
- Support community and economic development
- Enhance public spaces, including the Ainslie Arts Plaza
- Support Aldermanic plans to create the Lincoln Avenue North Arts (LANA) District
Press & Media
- How Can The City Improve North Lincoln Avenue? Fewer Cars, More Space For Walking And Biking, Neighbors Say In Poll, via Block Club Chicago
- Ald. Vasquez discusses plans for Lincoln Ave Streetscape, watch on Facebook.

Design Exhibits
- Final Streetscape Design (PDF, 16MB)
- See designs for Section 1, Section 2, and Ainslie Arts Plaza in our gallery below!
Project Features
- Streetscaping with sidewalk and crosswalk improvements
- Corridor beautification and greening
- Protected bike lanes
- More public community spaces
- Creation of the Lincoln Avenue North Arts District (LANA), which will transform the use of storefronts to create galleries, pop-ups, and live/work spaces for artists to call home
- Public art, including the Ainslie Arts Plaza and commissioned murals
- Zoning improvements including a pedestrian street designation and approvals for ground floor live/work studio spaces.

Timeline & Construction Updates
Project Timeline
The project is divided into two sections:
Section 1: Catalpa to Foster
Catalpa to Foster construction started in late Summer of 2023 on Catalpa Avenue. Roadway changes and new sidewalks on Catalpa were mostly complete by end of 2023, and the remaining curb and sidewalk on the south side was recently completed after construction resumed February 2024. Construction on the east side of Lincoln Avenue started in mid-February and will shift to the west side once the new curbs and sidewalks are in place. Construction of Section 1 is anticipated to be complete by Fall 2024.
Section 2: Foster to Western
Foster to Western construction is anticipated to break ground in early Summer 2024. Substantial completion is anticipated end of 2024, with landscaping and other final items to be completed Spring 2025.
Construction Updates
To see the latest project updates from the contractor, please click the cards below. We also send out regular updates through our weekly newsletter.
Community Meetings
Construction updates are held weekly, and the first 15 minutes are open to the community for questions. See details below:
- Tuesdays at 11:30 am
- Microsoft Teams Link
Archived Public Meetings
- Community Meeting #5: Zoom recording, September 20th, 2023
- Community Meeting #4: Blog post, June 15th, 2023
- Community Meeting #3: Vimeo recording, May 12th, 2022
- Community Meeting #2: Vimeo recording, October 13, 2021
- Community Meeting #1: Video recording, Sharepoint, July 27th, 2021
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